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Foundation Program Allows Students to Focus on Education, Not Their Next Meal

News December 24, 2018

Glendale Community College (GCC) student Aleksander is in his third year at GCC. He has an Associate degree in Science, and is well on his way to pursing his bachelor’s in medical studies, as he wants to pursue master’s in biomedical studies. “Helping others has been a passion of mine, and specifically medicine and diseases have fascinated me since taking my first medical studies class in high school,” says the recipient of the Presidential Scholarship, STEM Scale and EXCEL scholarships. His plan is to become an obstetrician- gynecologist (OBGYN), as he’s eager to bring new life into the world.

But, there’s more to Aleksander’s story. Aleksander receives support from the food pantry on GCC’s campus. He says, “The pantry has helped me out in times of need, whenever money is tight, and I have not eaten for the day.”

Because of students like Aleksander, the Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation is working together with the Maricopa Community Colleges District to bring the issue of hunger and food insecurity among our student population to the forefront, by encouraging our supporters and local businesses to help expand programs and services at each college. Our goal is to have our students focus on completing their classwork, versus focusing on where they are going to get their next meal.

Financial security is a major concern for students heading off to college, and not just when it comes to living costs. Many are looking for help with money to pay for their courses through student loans which offer flexible repayment options and are free of fees. This means that students can focus on their education rather than whether or not they will be out of pocket when they graduate.

“I’m a full-time student and active in many of Glendale Community College’s organizations, but with not having a job, the food present in the pantry allows me to not go hungry and to focus on my studies throughout the year.”

To support more students like Aleksander, visit the Foundation’s Food Pantry page. To learn more about other opportunities that provide resources for our students to thrive, visit the Foundation’s Hope Scholarship and Emergency Fund program pages.