Change Lives Through Education

Scholarships for tomorrow's leaders.
Made possible by you.

Giving Is Who We Are

We make post-secondary education and certifications accessible and affordable.

Maricopa Community Colleges District Foundation has been awarding scholarships and providing program support since 1977. And we’re just getting started.

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$ 0 M
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Real Students, Real Stories, Real Impact

We are committed to empowering students and fostering learning through financial support, workforce and skill development, and removing the biggest hurdles to obtaining an education. Support today ensures success tomorrow. That is the mission we fight for.

real students

Real Students, Real Stories, Real Impact

We are committed to empowering students and fostering learning through financial support, workforce and skill development, and removing the biggest hurdles to obtaining an education. Support today ensures success tomorrow. That is the mission we fight for.


“I am not merely chasing my dreams; I am working tirelessly to turn them into reality.”

“I chose my major when I was in fifth grade,” says PC student Roxanne Carbajal. “I remember going to school an hour early to learn how to do algebra; it was my favorite part of the day. Ever since then, I’ve loved math,” she says. Her success with math continued, as Roxanne tested into higher and higher match classes throughout high school. “I knew right away accounting was for me” she says, reflecting on choosing her major at Phoenix College. “This past summer, I faced a daunting hurdle: the pressing need for textbooks, money for transportation and tuition. Like many students, I found myself living paycheck to paycheck, making it increasingly difficult to make ends meet,” she said. Also like most PC students, Roxanne works while attending school. But, when Roxanne’s mom got sick, the savings Roxanne had built up over the summer went to pay hospital and doctor bills. So, she approaches school one semester at a time, trying not to get overwhelmed juggling work and homework, paying for tuition and books, while also helping her mom pay bills. For Roxanne, being successful means she does not have to worry every day about her finances, and that she will be able to help take care of her family, which she says makes her happy. “I’m applying to the PC Honors Program, to further my academic success and support. And, I’ve been accepting into the HSI EXCELlence Program, which is opening doors to new opportunities for growth, an exciting journey I'm eager to embark upon,” Roxanne says. Roxanne’s days are filled with purpose, in her role a lead receptionist, addressing client concerns, helping with promotion and social media, and training new employees.  The work is equipping her with skills in sales, revenue management, marketing, cash handling, and more. At night, Roxanne does homework alongside her little sister, and is thankful for the financial support scholarships provide, allowing her to concentrate on her studies, and worry a little less about the family finances. “The Bear Scholarship is a lifeline for me,” Roxanne says. After graduating from Phoenix College with her associate's degree in business accounting, Roxanne plans to pursue a bachelor's degree, and then secure a great job in a corporate office. “I am not merely chasing my dreams; I am working tirelessly to turn them into reality.” Read Roxanne's full story, here.


"This gave me a great opportunity to learn and grow my abilities."

"Working as an intern in the fast-paced environment of Microsoft Datacenter was an eye-opening experience for me. It was an absolute pleasure to work with seasoned professionals, and this gave me a great opportunity to learn and grow my abilities so fast within just 12 weeks of participating in the Microsoft Datacenter program. Especially, with the dedicated and enthusiastic help of all the talented technicians here, I felt I was treated like a full-time employee rather than an internship position, so I was more confident when doing assigned tasks. I have learned that a growth mindset is key to success at Microsoft, and I continue applying this attribute to my work as well as all aspects of my life." 


"Your contribution is not just a financial relief but a lifeline that will help me navigate a challenging period."

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. My name is Alex and I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible $300 scholarship you generously provided. Your support couldn't have come at a more crucial time, and I am genuinely touched by your kindness. Your contribution is not just a financial relief but a lifeline that will help me navigate a challenging period. The funds will go towards crucial bills, ensuring my car payment is up to date, keeping my pantry stocked, and maintaining essential utilities like electricity. Your support has eased a significant burden, allowing me to focus on my education and aspirations. Education has become my beacon of hope and purpose, especially during times of adversity. I am a biology major with a passion for environmental science. Your belief in my journey means the world to me. Since achieving four years of sobriety, school has become more than just a pursuit of knowledge—it's my commitment to a better future for myself and the environment. I am driven by the desire to contribute as an environmental scientist, working towards fixing the issues our planet faces. Your investment in my education is not just an investment in me; it's an investment in the positive change I hope to bring to the world. Your generosity reinforces my commitment to my studies and motivates me to work harder towards my goals. Donors like you play a crucial role in keeping students like me enrolled and excited about our education. Your support goes beyond financial aid; it is a source of inspiration that fuels our determination to make a difference. I am truly honored to have you as a supporter and want you to know that your kindness is sowing seeds of change in the world through individuals like me. Once again, thank you from the depths of my heart for your invaluable support. I am determined to make the most of this opportunity and pay it forward in the future.


"I am honored and grateful for this opportunity, and I will pursue my education to help protect individuals from online...

"Thank you so much for helping me to advance my schooling through this scholarship. I am currently attending Glendale Community College with a major in computer science. This scholarship helps me to advance in the cybersecurity field. Specifically, this money helps me to pay for transportation to the college, and it helps me to save money for my own mode of transportation. One of my proudest achievements was receiving the eagle scout award around the age of 15. Another achievement of mine was graduating with a 3.89 GPA. With this scholarship, I can put my knowledge and learning to use to become a productive member of society. I am honored and grateful for this opportunity, and I will pursue my education to help protect individuals from online attacks."


“I just want to say thank you and that my award money will be put to good use.”

Justina has been working extremely hard the last couple of years and is really excited to see all that hard work begin to pay off. She has been a student at Paradise Valley Community College (PVCC) for over 2 years, majoring in cultural anthropology and hopes to transfer next year to Arizona State University for her master's. “Being a student at PVCC has opened many doors for me,” she said. “I have met some amazing students and teachers; I am part of the Global Scholars program and I am part of the Peer Mentor program. I also participated in a study abroad trip to Peru!” Currently interning at the Phoenix Holocaust Association, while working and being a single mom, Justina’s scholarship is a big help and allows her to pay her fall tuition. She said, “I just want to say thank you and that my award money will be put to good use.”

Zoraida A.

"I have a wonderful career, self-sufficiency and independence."

"I have a wonderful career, self-sufficiency and independence." Zoraida A., a native of Mexico, has the distinction of being an alumna of the first graduating class of the high profile Bilingual Nursing Fellowship Program. With funding secured by Congressman Ed Pastor, the program was created to address the critical shortage of Registered Nurses in Arizona, particularly those who are able to communicate thoroughly and effectively with Spanish Speaking patients. Zoraida explains that the program is a collaborative effort between GateWay Community College and South Mountain College in cooperation with Banner Health. “We studied at a state-of-the-art center for health careers at GateWay which included classrooms and labs modeled after a fully functioning hospital. It was an amazing experience and we received extensive academic support!” “I was already a student at South Mountain Community College and I was interested in Nursing. I knew that it was highly competitive to get into a nursing program so when I heard about BNFP I knew that I had to give it a try. The day that I found I had been selected into the program I felt joy, relief and honor!” “All of us received a monthly stipend and it was so helpful. It really took a load off from us and our families. It was enough for me to purchase food and gas and concentrate on my studies.” Zoraida recalls that her fellow nursing students were more like an extended family. “We worked together to keep our eyes on the prize. We knew that each step that we took was bringing us that much closer to reaching our goal -becoming nurses. We worked together to stay organized. We helped each other recharge mentally and emotionally.” The rigors of nursing school were intense and sometimes left Zoraida and her fellow students feeling overextended. As Zoraida explained, they coped with those stresses together by forming study groups where they also cried, complained and persevered together. “It was a sisterhood that we shared throughout the educational experience and the bilingual component made it even more special.” While Zoraida was in the full-time program, she and her son lived with her family. “Joshua is nine years old now, but his entire life he has seen me studying and he’s always been so cooperative. Education has just been part of his daily routine and he sees higher education and studying as part of the norm. That’s a great thing to model for your children!” Zoraida is now a Registered Nurse working at Barrows Neurological Institute at Saint Joseph’s Hospital. “I love nursing. Everyday is different and I enjoy the interaction with the patients! Now living on her own with her son, Zoraida proudly explains “The BNFP gave me a wonderful career, self-sufficiency and independence.” South Mountain Community College

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