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Support Student Success By Donating to Emergency Funds, Food Pantry Funds and the Greatest Needs Fund

News June 2, 2020
Support Student Success

[button link=”” type=”icon” color=”silver” newwindow=”yes”] SUPPORT STUDENTS IN NEED[/button]


We’ve all been impacted by COVID-19.  Maricopa Community College students in particular have been hit especially hard with job loss, food insecurity, the inability to pay bills, function effectively in an online environment and so much more.  That is why today, we are once again inviting you to support our students. Please take the time to view the video below in which Cristie Roe, English Department faculty member at Phoenix College, discusses how she was able to contribute unexpected funds that she received to support the Food Pantry at Phoenix College and the difference donations like these make in the lives of our students.


Cristie Roe Supports Students In Need


With your donations to Emergency Funds, Food Pantry Funds and the Greatest Needs Fund we have been able to provide support to more than 600 students across the Maricopa District. However, the requests keep coming in. Last month the Foundation saw a sharp increase in the number of emergency applications from students without access to basic needs, going from an average of 7 applications per month to over 1,000 requests. That is why we have set a goal of raising $100,000 by June 30th, so that we can support as many students as possible.

As we move ahead in these unprecedented times, we thank our donors who have already contributed for all of your support.  If you haven’t had a chance to donate yet, please consider doing so today.  No donation is too small!


We may be apart, but together we can make a difference. Thank you for your time, your generosity and your compassion. Did you know that the CARES Act provides additional ways that taxpayers who have not yet filed their 2019 returns can receive financial benefits, while making a positive impact on Maricopa students and programs? To learn more, click here.


[button link=”” type=”icon” color=”silver” newwindow=”yes”] SUPPORT STUDENTS IN NEED[/button]