Greatest Needs Fund

“The truth is that it has not been easy to study and work more than 40 hours a week to make ends meet. This help that I receive helps me a lot with my basic food expenses as well as the academic materials that are required."
The core source of financing provided by the Greatest Needs Fund allows the Foundation and our colleges, the chance to address gaps that may be prohibiting our students from obtaining educational opportunities available to them, due to lack of resources across a broad range of circumstances. These could include immediate funding for technology support or equipment, program fees, special projects, faculty requests and more. It allows the Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation to meet unforeseen needs, as they arise.
An unrestricted donation to the Greatest Needs Fund is one of the most powerful gifts you can make as it allows us to efficiently support our vision of improving lives through education.
The Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation established the Greatest Needs Fund to help with the immediate needs of the entire Maricopa Community Colleges District. It allows us the flexibility to respond quickly, and to provide the greatest impact.