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State Farm Emergency Funds Help Veteran in Need

News June 10, 2019
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“My son is in the hospital on life support and my fiancé and I have missed work and school due to his critical status. We’re struggling and need help paying bills, gas to get back and forth from the hospital, and food for our family.”   

Veteran Steven R., who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom,  was awarded State Farm Emergency Funds, helping him through this difficult time.  He was referred to the Foundation by a Maricopa Community Colleges District employee, who was touched by his story. He said, “A few weeks ago, Steven came in to discuss his situation. He told me his son was in critical condition and mentioned how he does not want to give up on his education and wants complete the term. We discussed how nervous and slightly intimidated he was when he enrolled into courses last Fall. He wasn’t sure that he would be able to make it. He’s been doing outstanding, but the condition of his son has placed a strain on things. Steven’s family is surviving on funds he receives from the VA,but the income doesn’t cover all expenses. His fiancé doesn’t work so she can be at the hospital. They’re having difficulties with bills and paying for gas. Steven has been doing the best he can to provide for his family. However, limited finances make things difficult and frustrating.”

To help others like Steven, click here.