We have launched EmpowerED for Student Success!

Nubia S.

Mesa Community College

“Going to college with no family support or financial stability can be challenging, but the blessings you receive when you don’t give up are so worth it.”

Nubia wanted to be an astronaut when she grew up. In high school, she loved chemistry and often dreamed of working in a lab. Multiple issues in Nubia’s life forced her to push education aside for more than 10 years, but after becoming acquainted with someone in the engineering industry, she was inspired to get her GED and enroll at Mesa Community College (MCC). She’s studying chemical engineering and plans to transfer to ASU.

Nubia has received many scholarships, but she’s particularly thankful for the Emergency Fund program that has allowed her, and her two daughters, the opportunity to “continue life with a little less stress and a roof over our heads.”

School and family aren’t the only things keeping Nubia busy. Besides being active in many on-campus organizations, Nubia works at AmeriCorps as a workshop coordinator for their new program, Foster 360. “I like this position,” said Nubia. “It gives back to the community, without judgment. Being a part of it helps me grow and allows me to recognize the important things in life.”

Mesa Community College