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Dagoberto B.

Phoenix College

I take nothing for granted. I’m able to enjoy so many educational and leadership opportunities.”

Dagoberto (Dago) B. is an exuberant and playful young man who enjoys making people laugh. He comments that laughter is a great way of healing pain. Dago sums up his impoverished formative years with, “I realize that in order to mature and become a better person we all have to experience some kind of pain, but humor is always the great equalizer.”

With an easy smile and a chuckle in his voice, Dago recalls his childhood in provincial Mexico. “The entire town had only one phone and one car.” He goes on to say, “When I arrived here, so many doors were opened for me. I believe that this is the reason why I appreciate education so much. I take nothing for granted and have been able to seize and enjoy so many educational and leadership opportunities.”

Dago’s world changed when he was selected for the Phoenix College ACE Program. “The ACE Program provided key tools for my success as a college student. Through the class, ‘How to be a Successful College Student,’ I was given the skills to understand myself, which in turn helped me find the best way that I learn. These are tools that all kids in high school should have, and I was fortunate to gain these insights through ACE.”

Dago strongly believes that being the oldest of three children puts him in the unique position to show his siblings that anything is possible. “I think that it is my responsibility to show them how to dream, and how to accomplish those dreams.” As the first one in his family to go to college, he proudly states that he will graduate from Phoenix College in the spring of 2008 and will attend ASU where he will major in Chicano History and Latino Studies. Dago ultimately wants to pursue a Law Degree and assist others in his community.

“My ultimate goal is to become a successful person who is able to help people in need because, if life has taught me anything, it is to give and to love because it always comes back.”

Phoenix College